Find a Music Therapist
If you are seeking music therapy services or professional consultation about how you or your organization can benefit from music therapy services - you may either contact a certified music therapist (MTA) listed in our directories, or fill out the following form and the MTAA will connect you with a music therapist in your region!
If you are seeking music therapy services online, please indicate your location, and specify 'Online' under 'Additional Comments'.
Please also see our general rates below.
If you have not heard back from a therapist within two (2) weeks, please email info@mtaa.ca directly.
Fill Out Our Job Referral Form

Information on Private Practice Certified Music Therapist (MTA) Rates
Certified music therapists working on a contract basis or in private practice set their own rates.
A 2021 survey of Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) working in private practice in Alberta found that rates typically ranged from $75-$135 per billable hour, with an average of $85 per billable hour.
The variance in this range is due to a number of factors including, but not limited to:
Experience and education
Number of service hours at one site or for one contract/organization
Virtual vs. in-person services
Unique administrative requirements of specific sites or organizations (e.g., letters, progress reports, etc.)
Group sessions vs. individual sessions
Additional GST as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules
The unique needs and situation of the client/organization, as negotiated between the client/employer and the MTA.
Billable music therapy services may include:
Direct client contact music therapy services
Creation/preparation of session-related materials (e.g., audio recordings, props, etc.)
Documentation including assessment, session notes, charting, evaluations
Travel time/mileage, as negotiated between the client/employer and the MTA
Internship and/or peer supervision
Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice
Sessions cancelled for extended periods due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., flu outbreaks, facility visitor restrictions, etc.)
Other services as outlined by the certified music therapist (MTA).
* Please note: the fees/information listed above are not applicable to certified music therapists (MTAs) who work under a unionized collective agreement and who are compensated according to their union’s wage and benefit grid.*